Common-Sense Preparedness

March 19, 2020
Jerry Strayve

By Jerry Strayve

How many of you out there are taken back with the ‘panic’ that has ensued as the result for the ‘Corona Virus’ (Covid 19)? This pandemic is indeed worthy of great concern and calls for drastic measures. But common-sense preparedness would do much to alleviate the angst and fears so much of the world is experiencing.

A host of complaints are being launched decrying the Federal government’s unpreparedness. Some have said the States have not prepared for statewide epidemics. Blame is flying in in every direction.

What ever happened to taking responsibility for our own preparedness? Some of my readers stand aghast at the mob-like rush to the grocery stores. ‘What exactly are they going to do with 144 rolls of toilet paper? Where will they store it? (sic) A single person purchasing two cases of hand sanitizer looks suspiciously like they are destined for eBay or Craig’s list.

Okay, the store shelves are bare. Don’t freak out. Homeopathic remedies such as common household items like bleach, vinegar, and baking soda will often suffice. You don’t know how come up with your own disinfectant? Try Google ‘University.’ Google knows everything. This is quite simplistic, I know. Read on:

We have all heard that, depending on the area of the world in which you live, you should have either a ‘earthquake,’ ‘hurricane,’ or ‘inclement/snow’ survival kit.’ Get it? Haven’t you been listening? Do you have any one of these” We’ve been told to always have additional medications, water, food, fuel, personal items, etc. to weather at least a two-week period?

So, what’s the problem? It’s not just a government responsibility to be prepared, it’s each of our responsibility do what we can to be ready for any contingency. That requires rotating batteries and canned goods. Yes, it’s not as easy as it sounds. What’s important usually isn’t as easy as it sounds. 

For thousands of years, humankind has had the benefit of extended family and close-knit communities to furnish mutual support. That’s not so much the case in today’s world. With close family and community relationships came accountability. Helping one’s neighbor was and should be a core value. Insisting that everyone provide for themselves as best they could, and helping others do the same is, and was, a fortunate byproduct.

Today, many of us don’t know our neighbors. Many have long ago ‘flown the coop’ and are today geographically distanced. That can be really cool when you want to do your own thing… Not so cool when one has nobody with a vested interest looking out for them. 

Perhaps this could be partially mitigated by developing and maintaining relationships with those you know will be there in the time of crisis, you for them, and visa-versa. Your golfing buddy, or coffee-clutch friend, may or may not be that person(s). Dependable relationships require work.

Lifestyle is a vital part of being prepared for difficult situations. Weather, pandemics, financial crisis’, even personal relationship challenges are surmounted most efficiently with mind, body, and soul functioning at optimum levels. 

Diet, exercise, what you watch what you read, what you think about, your hobbies, those with whom you spend the better part of your time, these are part of what impacts you and your preparedness for what life will throw at you.

We all know we operate more efficiently when less stressed. Get less stressed! Get prepared and take control. Be ready for what will come your way. Free your mind and body to perform with more confidence and efficiently.

You’re right, this is not the ‘end all’ for handling life’s tests you will experience. But it is a foundation from which you will be better prepared to deal with things that are not within your control. 

You will only be fully prepared when you spend part of everyday enhancing your quality of life on every level.

Now go out there and take charge of what you can control, Better prepared to handle whatever challenge come your way!

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